Orion Jr.2 BMS Kit 16 cells

The Orion Jr.2 BMS is a full featured lithium ion battery management system that is specifically designed to meet the tough requirements of protecting and managing battery packs for low voltage electric vehicles (EV), golf carts, power walls etc.

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Orion Jr.2 BMS Kit 16 cells

Supports from 1 to 16 cells in series
Designed for Lithium Ion battery packs up to 48V nominal (60V max)
Centralized design provides high EMI and noise immunity.
Performs intelligent cell balancing (passive).
Calculates state of charge (SOC).
Calculates discharge current limit (DCL) and charge current limit (CCL).
Can measure cell voltages between 0.5v and 5.0v.
Optional CANBUS 2.0B interface (fully programmable).
OBD2 diagnostic protocol support.

See the specification sheet for additional features

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Question & Answer:

Q : Bonjour, le prix du BMS Orion JR2 inclut il le capteur de courant? De plus je voudrais acheter le CANdapter disponible chez Orion, mais je ne le trouve pas dans votre site.

Q : Do you have the CANBUS enabled one of these? Would I need 2 units to monitor 12S2P battery bank?

A: Thanks for sharing the information. I have sent a detailed email to you.

person George @EVShop

Q : Hello! I wonder if it can work with cells of 7.2V since I'm using cells from a Toyota's NiMH battery pack. Is there any way can i manage to use this bms and these cells?

A: If you read the description from this page and the Orion Jr.2 specifications file, which can be find in the Attachment tab of this page, you will see that is designed only for Lithium cells. Maximum cell voltage is 5V. Also NiMH has a different charging curbe than Li-Ion cells. Please read the manual. Thanks.

person George @EVShop

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